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ARM: what will be its place in 2022?
What is ARM regulation? (1st sub-theme)
The forum dedicated to medical regulation assistants (MRAs) will first address the definition of MRA regulation, before tackling the aspect of call reception: reminders of the recommendations of the High Authority for Health (HAS), the quality guide, the recognition of vital distress by the MRA, the prioritization of the call, the transport of the patient to the hospital, the increase in calls linked to the Permanence des soins ambulatoires (PDSA), the evolution of the types of calls, the need to integrate other health and social professionals into the Call Reception and Regulation Centres (CCRA) in order to move towards the Access to Care Service (SAS), and the need to develop communication tools, particularly with the Urgent Health Transport Associations (ATSU) and SOS-type associations.
Follow-up of medical regulation cases by MRAs (2nd sub-theme)
The second part of the forum will address the place of MRAs in the process of health call regulation and its follow-up.
In the regulation binomial, the MRAs ensure roles specified in the Samu urgence de France (SUDF) medical regulation guide, as well as in the recommendations of the Haute autorité de santé (HAS)
The MRA is not subject only to answering calls for care. He is concerned with the follow-up of the decisions of the medical regulation.
This phase is too often ignored, or even underestimated, however it requires from the MRAs a particular professional attention, and occupies an important part of their activity rate.
The SAMU structures are heterogeneous by their history and their departmental attachment. Thus, in most of these medical regulation centres, the organisation modalities and the professions within them can vary.
However, following the medical regulation, they are responsible for sending to the patients teams of firemen or medical transporters, SMUR teams and PSDA doctors.
The follow-up of interventions is a crucial mission in the process of patient care.
During this little-known activity, the MRA is the interface for the professionals involved in the intervention.
Whether it is for a request for medical reinforcement, a first aid assessment, or the return of a doctor from the PDSA, he or she must show availability and a very professional welcome.
The handling of these telephone or radio calls is his responsibility.
He can then be directly concerned by an action without medical regulation and/or the connection with a regulating doctor.
The handling of the patient by the end-users requires a privileged contact for his referral to a care service when necessary.
The MRA is therefore responsible for ensuring that the medical regulation file is complete and exhaustive of medical information for transmission to and from the reception service.
It is this activity of the profession with its interdependence with all the effectors and care services that will be highlighted.