Philippe Dole (IGAS), Dominique Hunault (CNSA), Nicolas Piednoël (FNAP), Serge Beaujean (FNAA), Yannick Janeiro (FNTAU), Bruno Basset (FATSUF), Thierry Lardet (GARDEFA)
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White coats and black anger?
The profession of ambulance driver is in full evolution. Long misunderstood and certainly insufficiently considered for years, it was “revalorized” during the Covid-19 crisis. What remains of it today? While the application of the reform of the ambulance response to pre-hospital emergencies is still pending (at the time of writing, calls for demonstrations are multiplying) and the training of ambulance drivers is questioned, how do ambulance drivers position themselves on the future of their profession? This question is all the more important as, on the side of the fire brigade, the Law on the consolidation of the civil security model, known as the Matras Law, has been promulgated, and that it is not without concern for the ambulance drivers.
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