Gilles Barsacq (CNPC), Général Joël Prieur (CNPC), Alain Rissetto (CNPC)
Towards an evolution of the civil protection model?
In 2020 and 2021, and at the request of the public authorities, the approved civil protection associations (AASC) were massively involved (3 million volunteer hours recorded between March and May 2020) in the Covid crisis. The state of necessity has thus led the AASCs to act directly as reinforcements for health establishments, in the organisation of medical transport and finally in the implementation of the government’s policy of systematic screening or mass vaccination. Not to mention the social or medico-social aspect. Based on the feedback from these two years of crisis, and on the legal advances that frame the action of the AASC, this forum will be an opportunity to launch a debate on the evolution of our civil protection model.