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Permanent Workshop
Occupational Health & Safety
Words from the experts
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE – Relief, security, safety: the abolition of borders?
SITUATION POINT – Great National Cause 2017: Sea Rescue (SNSM)
ROUND TABLE – NRBC-E: a sector boosted by new threats
ROUND TABLE – Universities and Grandes Ecoles: what gateways to professionalisation?
DEBATE – The emergence of Anglo-Saxon training courses
ROUND TABLE – Made in France: how to become competitive (again)?
DEBATE – Does the promotion of life-saving behaviours really reduce accidentology?
GRAND TÉMOIN – Colonel Pierre Grenier: July 25, 2000, the Concorde crash
ROUND TABLE – Paramedics in the pre-hospital emergency department: a model at risk?
DEBATE – Will tomorrow’s trainers be virtual?
ROUND TABLE – Graduated model: from system D to innovative protocol
ROUND TABLE – Should we fear the diseases we thought had been eradicated?
GRAND TÉMOIN – Dr Estelle Legeard (SNSM): June 6, 2015, rescue during the Volvo Ocean Race
ROUND TABLE – Resilience: taking an innovative look at protecting populations
Drone: Should we get caught up in the game?
DEBATE – Merger of employee delegates, works councils and CHSCT, what impact on health and safety at work?
ROUND TABLE – What is the place of prevention in Occupational Health and Safety?
SITUATION POINT – The Olympic Games in Paris 2024: what implications, what preparations for those involved in the rescue effort?
ROUND TABLE – Crisis and business continuity: how are companies coping?
Challenge Secours Expo 2018: nursing component
DEBATE – Glucometer, ECG: medical tools or first aiders?
ROUND TABLE – Short modules: training or awareness?
SITUATION POINT – IRMA Storm: September 2017
ROUND TABLE – Rescue and industry: a win-win partnership?
Challenge Secours Expo 2018: first-aid component