PORTUGAL, 2022 delegation of honor

With the aim to shed a global vision on rescue topics, as well as emergency care and risk prevention that goes beyond French borders, the organization team of Secours Expo chooses every year a foreign delegation of honor.
This 7th edition is putting Portugal in the limelight!
In Portugal, the National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC) is the State Entity responsible for the planning, coordination and execution of civil protection policies, namely in the prevention and response to major accidents and disasters, protection and relief operations of populations. ANEPC also oversights the firefighters’ activities and assures the coordination of civil protection agents and the planning of civil efforts to assist the militaries in case of crisis or war (civil emergency planning).
Internationally, ANEPC is responsible for promoting cooperation in the field of civil protection at bilateral level (with several signed Agreements, namely with France, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Russia, Cape Vert and Mozambique) and at multilateral level, mainly through its active participation in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.