par la société européenne de médecine d'urgence
premier semestre 2026
les inscriptions pour la prochaine édition ouvriront en 2025 !

(congrès en anglais)
L’EUSEM (European Society for Emergency Medicine) a choisi Secours Expo pour héberger son congrès d’hiver.
EUSEM organises an annual congress for emergency medicine professionals, attracting more than 3,000 specialists from across the world.
(programme 2024)
In partnership with the World Health Organization Academy, this day and a half of conferences and round tables (entirely in English) organized by the EUSEM (European Society for Emergency Medicine) will focus on “The 2024 Olympic Games: an international perspective”.
JOUR 1 : Jeudi 1er février 2024
Opening speeches (1.30-2pm)
Nicolas Lefebvre, Secours Expo
James Connolly, President EUSEM
Laurent Gabilly, Chair of the Desaster Medicine section, SFMU (Société
Française de Médecine d’Urgence)
Benoit Vivien, Vice-President SFMC (Société Française de Médecine de
Abdo Khoury, Chair organising committee EUSEM Winter Days
Session 1 : Mass gatherings (2pm-3:30pm)
Moderators: Patrick Plaisance, Raed Arafat, James Connolly
- How to handle communication in mass gatherings?
Antoine Aubrion – France
- Understand and anticipate crowd mouvement
Bertrand Maury – France
- Mass casualties in mass gathering
Raed Arafat – Romania
Discussion (30 min)
Session 2 : Lessons learnt from previous events and how to anticipate Paris 2024 (4pm-5:30pm)
Moderators: Steve Photiou, Demetrios Pyrros, Eric Revue
- Olympian experiences: from Athens to London
Demetrios Pyrros – Greece
- Rugby World Cup France 2023: did it prepare us for Paris 2024?
Pierre Carli – France
- Paris Olympic Games opening ceremony: a unique worldwide experience, The Olympic Committee perspective
Pierre Mauger – France
Round table discussion (30 min)
JOUR 2 : VENDREDI 2 février 2024
Session 3: Crisis Management (9am-10:30am)
Moderators: : Laurent Gabilly, Benoit Vivien, James Connolly
- Preparedness of the Emergency Department in case of Mass Casualties during the Olympic games: London Games experience (9-9:20am)
Mick Molloy – DUBLIN, Ireland
- Mass communication for mass gatherings (9:20-9:40am)
Steve Photiou – Crocetta Del Montello (TV), Italy
- Interaction among agencies in mass gatherings (9:40-10am)
Agathe Fantou – Paris, France
- Terrorism threat: still in mind (10-10:20am)
Matthieu Langlois – Paris, France
Discussion (10 min)
Session 4: Pre-hospital medicine (11:15am-11:35pm)
Moderators: Abdo Khoury, Mick Molloy, Tim Meyer
- Exertional heat stroke in sport competitions (11:15-11:35am)
Romain Jouffroy – France
- Doping and consequences on athletes (sports doc from doping
center) (11:35-11:55am)
Mick Molloy – DUBLIN, Ireland
- Cardiac arrest in sports players (11:55-12:15pm)
Tim Meyer – Germany
Discussion (30 min)
Session 5: WHO Academy – Mass casualty management training (2:15pm-5pm)
WHO Academy Mass Casualty Management (MCM) is a gamified self-paced program designed to equip you with the competencies required to prepare and implement a mass casualty management plan in an Emergency Unit or Emergency Medical Team (EMT). During the tabletop exercise, we will give an overview of this training program.
- How to prepare hospital EDs for mass casualties arriving abruptly – A WHO academy teaching course
Part 1: Introduction – WHO ACADEMY training programme
Laurent Petit (WHO academy), Abdo Khoury, Laurent Gabilly
Part 2: tabletop interactive exercise
Benoit Vivien, Eric Revue, Abdo Khoury, Laurent Gabilly, Steve Photiou, Laurent Petit